Youth Care Worker

Youth Care Worker Support

Fernie Secondary School

Lisa Bax (YCW)
Sherry Bylsma (YCW)
Room 118

Welcome back to another busy school year!  Fernie Secondary would like to welcome our newest YCW - Sherry Bylsma.  images.8ce40f11142.jpgSherry has transitioned into her new role supporting Fernie Secondary's junior students (Grade 7-9) and is looking forward to meeting and getting to know our students and staff.  Welcome Sherry!

Our Youth Care space is located in Room 118, just off of Traynor Hall.  We are here to provide social-emotional, as well as behavioral support to students, foster and facilitate self-regulation for our students, provide for their everyday needs (nutritional support, assistance in accessing community-based programs and supports, home-school liaison and social/peer support).

We are looking forward to another wonderful school year at FSS, and we welcome any questions or input from our parents and students. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. You can reach Lisa at or via cell at (250) 430-1248 or Sherry at

Youth Care Worker services are accessed through our Student Services department or administration.  Teachers are encouraged to refer students who they believe could benefit from the additional support.  We also encourage parents to let us know if they would like to make use of Youth Care Worker services.

How do you access Youth Care Worker support?

Once you are connected with a Youth Care Worker (YCW), you can access the YCW room by asking for a hall slip from your teacher.  If your teacher permits you to leave class, or prior arrangements have been made, you can come to the room for the allotted amount of time.

Contact: Lisa Bax
Sherry Bylsma