
School Counselling Support Services

Welcome to the 2021/22 school year!  Our School Counsellor, Karen Walker, will be here to help students with personal, career, and academic counselling issues.  If you, or your child, would like to make an appointment, please contact the school office at 250 423 4471 to schedule a time.  Alternatively, you can email the Counsellor using the details below:

Karen Walker -

GRADE 12 STUDENTS (and parents):

Information on scholarships, university application deadlines, and post-secondary events to Grade 12 students are available through the portal.  The portal is accessed by students logging in to If you child does not have access to this scholarship information, please send an email to out school counsellor to request access for your child.


If you have work experience placements, apprenticeship placements, or job opportunities that might interest our students, please contact our School Counsellor to see how she can help to connect you with interested applicants.  She can be contacted via the school office – 250 423 4471.  Alternatively, send her an email.

For more information on the Youth Work in Trades program, please visit the Industry Trade Authority website.