Communicating Student Learning

Dear FSS Families

British Columbia has a redesigned curriculum, which means that we are also redesigning how we assess and report on student progress. The goal of communicating student progress is to ensure that families are well informed about their children's progress. As a result, we are working to support new practices for communicating about student learning.

This year Southeast Kootenay School District #5 we are participating as a pilot site for the Ministry of Education's draft K-9 Student Reporting Policy. Research has shown that good communication between the home and the school is key to student success. Communication should provide up-to-date information about student progress and involve the student, the teacher, and the parent(s) /guardian(s) in meaningful dialogue throughout the school year.

At our school, the communication about student progress will be provided through a variety of forms:

  • learning conferences (parent/teacher/student meetings)
  • quarterly reports
  • student reflection and self-assessment of the Core Competencies
  • summary of progress (end of year)

Some teachers are also using digital portfolios as a platform for teaching, learning and communication and may send you information about how to view your child's progress through the school district's web portal.  We hope that providing you with timely, flexible information about student progress this year will help ensure that you will be well informed about your child's learning.

If you have questions, please contact us. Thank you for supporting your child's learning and growth.


Nicole Neufeld
Rachel Romero
Vice Principal