Principal Message

As the new Principal, I am delighted to welcome students, parents, and staff to another exciting year at Fernie Secondary School (FSS). I would like to extend a special welcome to our new grade 7 students, as well as other students returning and new to FSS from Fernie, the Elk Valley, Alberta, across Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and Spain. I look forward to contributing to a fantastic school year ahead and working alongside all the FSS staff, students, and parents to ensure that every student enjoys quality learning experiences in a safe, nurturing, and inclusive environment.

This September we welcomed 509 students and over 50 staff to Fernie Secondary School! Our first two weeks were buzzing with activity and a bit of chaos as we adjusted to scheduling challenges and our increased numbers. We have now completed our timetable changes, grade meetings and have most of our staff in place. I am excited to share that we have permanently added Mr. Taylor (Metalwork, Auto Tech, Power tech, Shop), Mr. Olorenshaw, (Woodwork, Computers, Science) Ms. Webber (leadership, English, Career Life, English First Peoples) and Mrs. Wenda (Art, Photography) to our teaching staff. We also have Mrs. Lentz returning this year (Science, Anatomy, Life Sciences) and Ms. Bassett (Music, English). Ms. Albota has joined our Education Assistant Team and Jakub Emond is a new Custodian. We are also lucky to have Maeva Papin join us from France in a Teaching Assistant role for our French Department.

Educating our children is a partnership between school, home, and the community. I encourage all partners to collaborate and become involved within our school to help create new experiences and learning opportunities for all. Some ways to get involved are by joining the Parent Advisory Council (PAC), coaching teams, sponsoring clubs, and helping supervise extra-curricular events such as field trips and dances.

As the Principal, I am committed to facilitating improved communication between the school and home, ensuring that parents and guardians are well-informed and engaged in their child’s education journey. There are several ways in which you can expect to stay informed this year. Start by reading the monthly newsletter where we will highlight important news, events, and school updates. This will be emailed to you and posted on the school website. You can also expect to receive timely emails through our School Messenger App. We have a Fernie Secondary Facebook Group where we will be sharing news, photos, and stories from the school community. You can visit the FSS School Website any time to access essential information about academic programs, resources, event calendars, contact information and more.

I encourage you to reach out with any questions, feedback, or suggestions you may have. Do not hesitate to call the school at 250-423-4471 or send an email


Ms. Neufeld