New Students

Grade 7

Students new to Laurie Middle School in grade 7 take four core classes. The core classes include: English, Social Studies, Math, and Science.  Their schedule will also include one block of physical education, a semester of Career Education and French, and possibly two block of explorations or one block of explorations and band. The exploration rotations involves students taking 13 classes of either drama, art, painting, project book, STEAM, clothing and textiles, foods and nutrition, woodwork, metalwork, computers, and/or stewardship.

Grade 7 Course Summary

  1. English
  2. Social Studies
  3. Math
  4. Science
  5. Physical Education
  6. French and Career Education
  7. Exploration 7 - Band or Elective Rotation
  8. Exploration 7 - Band or Elective Rotation

Grade 8

Students new to Laurie Middle School in grade 8 take four core classes. The core classes include: English, Social Studies, Math, and Science.  Their schedule will also include one block of physical education, a semester of Career Education and French, and two electives. One of these electives has the option of being Compass which is our Outdoor Education program, this program is an application process each year. Other electives include choir, drama, band, art, computers, woodwork, foods and nutrition, metalwork, and clothing and textiles.

Grade 8 Course Summary

  1. English
  2. Social Studies
  3. Math
  4. Science
  5. Physical Education
  6. French and Career Education
  7. Elective #1
  8. Elective #2

Grade 9

Students new to Laurie Middle School in grade 9 take four core classes. The core classes include: English, Social Studies, Math, and Science.  Their schedule will also include one block of physical education. The student then get a choice of three electives. One of these electives has the option of being Compass which is our Outdoor Education program, this program is an application process each year. Other electives include choir, band, drama, art, computers, woodwork, foods and nutrition, metalwork, film and media, yearbook, French, and clothing and textiles.

Grade 9 Course Summary

  1. English
  2. Social Studies
  3. Math
  4. Science
  5. Physical Education
  6. Elective #1
  7. Elective #2
  8. Elective #3

Basic Supplies List

  • Binders with dividers, at least 2 -- 1½" – 2" size
  • Lined paper
  • Pencils, pens, highlighter, markers/pencil crayons
  • Basic calculator, protractor
  • Pencil box or case
  • Scissors, ruler, glue stick
  • Gym strip (non-marking soles)