
School Counsellor

Our counsellor is Lauren Gruggen. She can be reached through the following avenues:


Phone: 250 426 5291 (Ext. 21109 )

Indigenous Support Counsellor 

Our indigenous support counsellor is Alissa Amos. She can be reached through the following avenues:

Phone: 250 426 5291 (ext. 21108) 

Counselling at Laurie Middle School is done primarily through self-referral. Students, their guardians, and Laurie Middle School staff may contact the counsellor via telephone, email, or by scheduling an appointment in the counselling office.

Please visit Ms. Gruggen during nutrition break or lunch time to schedule an appointment with her. Once you have your appointment, it is your responsibility to arrive with permission and on time from your class. Ms. Gruggen will not be coming to get you.

Please note, Counsellors may only check email during school hours. It may take up to 48 hours to hear back. If you are a parent and your concern is urgent, please contact the office. If the student is in need of immediate support and the counsellor is not available, please reach out to one of the resources listed below.


  • Child and Youth Mental Health Cranbrook
    • Currently offering services by Phone and Facetime
    • Can be reached at 250-426-1514 to complete the intake. Intakes are being completed over the phone.
      • Intake Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 9:30 - 12:00 (Noon)
  • Kids Help Phone - Text CONNECT to 686868 or call 1-800-668-6868
  • KUU-US Crisis LineSociety 24-hour Provincial Aboriginal Crisis Lines:
    • Adults/Elders - 250-723-4050
    • Child/Youth - 250-723-2040
    • Toll Free Line - 1-800-588-8717