Student Services

Student Services is a dedicated team of educators whose purpose is to support the emotional and academic needs of a diverse group of students. This team includes:

Student Services teachers: Mrs. Yvonne Brien (Department Head), Mrs. Elaine Knudsgaard (on leave), Ms. Priscilla Walkley, and another to be determined.

Alternate and Indigenous Education teacher: Mr. Nicholas Richards

Counsellor(s): Mrs. Lauren Gruggan (school-based counsellor) and Mrs. Alissa Amos (itinerant Indigenous Support Counsellor)

Indigenous Education Support Worker(s): Mrs. Mary Elliott

Youth Care Worker(s): Ms. Theresa Buurman

Education Assistants: Kristy Arndt, Eliana Bromley, Kimberly Butler, Nate Connolly, Lesley Cupples, Neisje Godolphin, Jodie Halliday, Chantel Hewitt, Mandy Lunan, Colin McWhirter, Jackie Tank, Christine Wheeler, Sarah Windels, and Keith Young.

All students are welcome to access the Learning Centre. The Learning Center is available as an alternate, and often quieter, working space where students can get additional support with learning new concepts or can partake in a timetabled support block, as determined by their school-based team. This space is staffed by one of the three Student Services teachers and, in some instances, an Education Assistant, working together as a team to deliver effective student support and to facilitate student learning.

Student Services is exactly what the title implies. Our job is to make sure that students are receiving the support, the advocacy, and the services that they need to be successful learners and school citizens.