The relationship between staff, students, and parents are very important to the education of our students. If at anytime you want to connect with any of your students' support group (administration, support workers, or teachers) please feel free to contact the person you are looking for through our contacts page. The staff at Laurie Middle School want to work with you for the benefit of your student. There are some informational pieces following, but please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns.


  • Most grade 7 and 8 classes have the same teacher for Social Students and English and another teacher for Math and Science. The same students will be in all of these classes. This is what we call teacher pods. 
  • Homeroom will usually be with one of the above teachers. The Homeroom teacher is a good connection and contact person for parents and students.
  • Life skills and Art & Skills electives, the teachers and class composition will vary.

Academic Support

  • The Learning Center (Room 107): available for academic support during regular school hours offering an alternative environment for tests, assignments, extra support, a quiet place to work, and/or review/practice skills.
  • Homework Club: during lunch
  • Educational assistants: provide support in many classes
  • Regular teachers: please make an appointment before or after school, or during lunch or break
  • Aboriginal Education tutoring: frequently available after school

Please encourage your child to advocate for their learning needs.

Arriving Late/Appointments

  • Students arriving late to school must check in at the office, No Exceptions
  • Students require parental written or verbal permission (confirmed through office staff) to leave the school during school hours.
  • Students must always sign out at the office prior to leaving the school to avoid being marked truant.

Healthy Schools Program

  • Breakfast Club: everyday from 8:00 am to 8:25 am
  • BC Fruit and Vegetable Program: once a month
  • Salvation Army: lunches available daily

Unstructured Times (Breaks and Lunches)

  • At lunch, students are encouraged to join intramural activities in the gym.
  • All students are expected to be either outside or in a supervised area of the school from 12:20 - 12:45
  • The Snack Shack is available during break and lunch if student would like to purchase food instead of bringing stuff from home
  • Extra Curricular Activities: Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton, Long Distance Running, Track and Field, Golf, Intramurals, and Archery