Canadian Parents for French

Canadian Parents for French –Cranbrook/ Fernie Chapter

We are glad to be back and are organizing a number of events for the various schools with French immersion (FI) in the District from Kindergarten to grade 12. This includes TM Roberts Elementary, Parkland Middle, Mt Baker Secondary, Isabella Dicken Elementary (Fernie) and Fernie Secondary School. 

With volunteer time and CPF memberships, we are able to access government grants through CPF BC/Yukon (which come from the government of Canada) for performances and workshops for students. These events would not have otherwise happened without CPF sponsorship. And that's why we need you. We need members and volunteers to help continue this worthy program. Not only do members help us access more grants, 80% of the membership fee comes back directly to our local chapter (90% comes back to the Cranbrook/ Fernie Chapter if you sign up or renew before October 31st). 

CPF membership for your family is very inexpensive. It costs only $25/year, or $60 for 3 years.  You can do this by going online to and clicking on the 'join us' button at the top and then selecting 'join' again, or fill out a membership form which can be downloaded from the same section of the website. If you are already a member, you can renew your membership by clicking 'renew'. Your expiry date will simply be extended based on the time still left on your membership. 

Everyone is invited to attend bi-monthly meetings via Zoom. 

To get on our mailing list for future meeting reminders and meeting minutes, please contact our Director of Membership Angela Freeze by email Or visit the BC website at Thank you for your support!