Speech Language Support

Speech-Language Pathology Services
TM Roberts School



A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) helps people of all ages affected by communication disorders and delays. SLPs in the school setting assess and support students with a wide range of communication difficulties, including:

  • Speech and articulation delays and disorders (how we say sounds and put them together into words)
  • Fluency- improving the flow of speech. A stutter may sound like repeated words or sounds, pauses, or getting stuck on a word or sound.
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication- methods of communication to replace or supplement verbal speech. This may include gestures, pictures, or high-tech devices such as an iPad
  • Receptive & Expressive Language- understanding of what we hear and read (receptive language) and use of language to express our thoughts, feelings, needs, and ideas (expressive language)
  • Social communication skills, including things like understanding how to have a conversation, non-verbal communication, and understanding other people's perspectives
  • Voice quality (how our voice sounds and how we use our voices)
  • Early literacy skills, such a rhyming and blending & segmenting sounds & syllable

What are some signs that a student may have a speech or language difficulty?

  • Speech (sounds & using sounds in words)
    • The student has difficulty being understood by peers, parents, or teachers
    • The student is getting frustrated or being teased about how they talk
    • If you have concerns about a particular sound, these are some general expectations:
    • By the end of Kindergarten: All sounds expected except: r, s, z (a frontal lisp can be considered developmental), ch, sh, j, v, th, zh
    • By the end of Grade 1: All sounds expected except: r, th, zh
    • By the end of Grade 2: All sounds are expected to be accurate.
  • Language (understanding and use of language)
    • Compared to peers, the student has difficulty with:
        • Understanding or remembering instructions compared to peers
        • Understanding of concepts
        • Limited vocabulary
        • Clearly expressing thoughts & ideas
        • Telling a cohesive story
        • Making inferences, prediction, or conclusions
        • Grammatical errors
        • Conversation skills, including turn taking, topic maintenance, understanding perspectives, nonverbal skills (personal space, understanding and using gestures and facial expressions)
    • In the older grades, this may look like difficulties with learning & using vocabulary, managing classroom demands, difficulties with peer relationships, solving problems, making connections within information
  • Referral Process:
    • Parents: Please discuss any concerns with your child's classroom teacher.
    • Teachers: After connecting with parents, teachers can bring the child's name forward to the School Based Team or to the school's SLP to discuss.

** If a formal referral is recommended, a referral form is completed and sent home for a signature. Parent/guardian consent is required to initiate a Speech-Language Referral**

What does Speech-Language support look like?

  • Assessment- this may include a variety of informal (e.g., observation, checklists) and/or formal (e.g., standardized assessment tools) measures.
  • Screening- The school's SLP may do a brief screen with all incoming kindergarten students to help inform supports.
  • Following assessment, a plan will be made to best support the student. This could include:
  • Discharge from SLP services if no support is recommended
  • Monitoring the student's progress
  • Providing strategies for home & school
  • Collaborating and consulting with parents, teachers, and other school personnel
  • The SLP or SLA (Speech-Language Assistant) may provide services in the classroom, in a small group, or individually