Day-to-day operations at Sparwood Secondary are governed by a wide variety of policies and procedures which apply to both students and staff. The "school rules" are outlined below, with links provided to relevant documents.

Registration and Disenrollment

There is significant paperwork involved when registering a new student with School District 5. If you are moving to the Sparwood area, we strongly recommend that you contact our office well in advance of your arrival. The registration package for enrolment with the district can be found here. We would be happy to help with any questions or concerns that arise when you are completing the package. 

If your family is disenrolling from Sparwood Secondary, we again recommend that you contact our office as early as possible so that files can be transferred to your destination school.

Student Code of Conduct

SSS students are expected to abide by our code of conduct, which is grounded in the understandings that students have a responsibility to respect the rights and dignity of others and to become actively involved in their own academic learning and social growth.

Student Timetable

Our days are broken into four blocks of equal length. Blocks rotate through the week according to the timetable found here. Students are allotted 50 minutes for lunch and should plan their meal accordingly.

Fair Notice

All students and staff have a right to learn and work in a safe, respectful and productive environment. In the case of threats to such an environment, School District 5 observes a policy of Fair Notice, which is described in the pamphlet found here.