YCW Service

Youth Care Services: Parkland Middle School offers full time Youth Care services.  Mrs. Robin Priore and Mrs. Kelly Fentie are our Youth Care Workers.  They provide behavioural, emotional, and social support to students every day.  

The Youth Care Worker helps facilitate various programs and services for students including:

  • Referrals to community supports and services
  • Life skills groups
  • Facilitation of our school's weekly Salad Bar Program
  • Access to basic need items (clothing, hygiene supplies, school supplies etc.)
  • Facilitation of our Breakfast Club and Lunch Program
  • Communication between students, parents and teachers
  • Support with academics and organization skills.  

Students needing a place to eat lunch can join Miss Robin or Mrs. Kelly in the Youth Care Services room.  

Parents are welcome to call or stop by the Youth Care offices at any time to discuss their child's needs.