Section 300 - Students

Administrative Procedures 300

300 – Students

AP 300
Student Registration, Enrolment and Placement
AP 302
Exchange Programs – District or Agency Sponsored
AP 303
International Students
AP 305
School Catchment Areas
AP 306
Cross Enrolment
AP 307
Student Information System
AP 310
Supervision of Students
AP 312
Vaccination Records
AP 313
Provision of Menstrual Products to Students
AP 314
Students' Environmental Bill of Rights
AP 315
Student Illness and Injury
AP 316
Medical Alert
AP 316 Appendix
Appendix – Administration of Prescription Medication
AP 317
Allergies and Life-Threatening Allergies in School
AP 318
Head Lice Infestations in School
AP 320
Student Records
AP 320 Appendix A
Appendix A – Student Cumulative File
AP 320 Appendix B
Appendix B – Confidential Red Binder
AP 321
Young Offenders Records
AP 322
Legal Custody of Children
AP 325
Child Protection
AP 330
Student Attendance
AP 340
Specialized Services for Students
AP 350
Code of Conduct
AP 350 Appendix
Appendix – Jurisdiction of the School
AP 351
Code of Conduct for School Bus Passengers
AP 352
Police Questioning of Students in Schools
AP 353
Searches of Students
AP 354
Physical Restraint and Seclusion in School Settings
AP 355
Student Suspensions
AP 356
Substance Abuse
AP 357
Opioid Overdose Response
AP 359
Student Vandalism
AP 360
AP 361
Placement of Students in Schools
AP 361 Appendix A
Appendix A – Student Retention Report
AP 361 Appendix B
Appendix B – Parent Consent Form Student Retention
AP 362
British Columbia School Completion Certificate
AP 362 Appendix
Appendix – Letter of Understanding Regarding BC School Completion Certificate
AP 365
Course Challenge
AP 366
Course Equivalency
AP 370
Scholarship and Awards
AP 375
Graduation Celebrations
AP 380
Students' Councils
AP 390
Review of Final Grades
AP 395
Office of the Ombudsperson Referral