Board Policy Handbook

This Board Policy Handbook has been developed to highlight and support the very important governance function of the Board. In addition to clearly defining the role of the Board, the role of the Superintendent, role of the Secretary Treasurer and the delegation of authority from the Board to the Superintendent and Secretary Treasurer, it includes the following as policies:

  1. Foundational statements which provide guidance and direction for all activities within the District;
  2. Directions for how the Board itself is to function and how individual trustees are to conduct themselves; how Board committees and representatives are to function;
  3. Statements as to how appeals and hearings will be conducted;
  4. Non-delegable matters such as policy-making and school closures; and
  5. Specific matters which the Board has chosen not to delegate to the Superintendent or Secretary Treasurer.

This Board Policy Handbook is intended to be supplemented by an Administrative Procedures Manual; the primary written document by which the Superintendent or Secretary Treasurer directs staff. The Administrative Procedures Manual must be entirely consistent with this Board Policy Handbook.

The development of two separate and distinct documents is meant to reinforce the distinction in this District between the Board's responsibility to govern and the Superintendent's or Secretary Treasurer's executive or administrative duties.

It is to be noted that the electronic versions of both the Board Policy Handbook and the Administrative Procedures Manual as well as any other handbooks/manuals referenced are always the most current documents available.


Policy 1Foundational Statements
Policy 2Role of the Board
Policy 2 Appendix ABoard Annual Work Plan
Policy 2 Appendix BFacilitated Board Self-Evaluation Process
Policy 3Role of the Trustee
Policy 3 AppendixServices, Materials and Equipment Provided to Trustees
Policy 4Trustee Code of Conduct
Policy 4 AppendixTrustee Code of Conduct Sanctions
Policy 5Role of the Board Chair
Policy 6Role of the Vice Chair
Policy 7Board Operations
Policy 7 AppendixTrustee Election Bylaw
Policy 8Board Committees
Policy 9Board Representatives
Policy 10Policy Making
Policy 11Board Delegation of Authority
Policy 12Role of Superintendent
Policy 12 Appendix ASuperintendent Evaluation Process, Criteria and Timeline
Policy 12 Appendix BSuperintendent Performance Assessment Guide
Policy 12 Appendix CInterview Guide Superintendent Leadership Practices
Policy 12 Appendix DSuperintendent Organizational Chart
Policy 13Secretary Treasurer Role and Evaluation
Policy 13 Appendix ASecretary Treasurer Evaluation Process, Criteria and Timeline
Policy 13 Appendix BSecretary Treasurer Performance Assessment Guide
Policy 13 Appendix CInterview Guide Secretary Treasurer Leadership Practices
Policy 13 Appendix DSecretary Treasurer Organizational Chart
Policy 14Appeals Procedure Bylaw
Policy 14 AppendixNotice of Appeal Form
Policy 15School Closure
Policy 16Indemnification By-Law
Policy 17Accumulated Operating Surplus
Policy 18Recruitment and Selection of Personnel
Policy 19Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity
Policy 20Transportation of Students
Policy 21Public Interest Disclosures
Policy 22Provision of Child Care Programs
Policy 23Financial Planning and Reporting
Policy 24Generative Artificial Intelligence