Rotary Youth Exchange Program

Are you interested in learning another language or experiencing another culture?  Learn to develop self-reliance, communication and leadership skills.  Every year over 8,000 students travel to another part of the world and spend a year (10 months) or a summer (2 months) away from home enjoying the experience of a lifetime. Rotary Youth Exchange Programs are open to students ages 15 - 19. To qualify, applicants should be above-average students who have demonstrated leadership in their community. Candidates should also possess qualities such as flexibility and a willingness to try new things that will enable them to fully experience life in another country and become excellent cultural ambassadors. All applicants must be sponsored by a local Rotary club and complete a written application and in-person interview. For more information go to

Information Session:

Tuesday, September 19th
6:30 pm
MBSS - Room 103